Welcome Chesterfield & District Branch Members!
We are an active branch of pub, beer and cider lovers who live in the districts of Bolsover, Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and some of the parishes of Derbyshire Dales.
Click on the branch diary to see dates of meetings, social events and what’s happening.
Happy Drinking!
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and up to date, no responsibility for errors and omissions can be accepted. The views expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the Campaign for Real Ale Ltd or Chesterfield CAMRA. For CAMRA’S Privacy Policy please click here. The Chesterfield CAMRA Privacy Policy can be found here.
Pub Guide
A list of the pubs and clubs in our area, can be found here.
Useful links and resources:
LocAle is CAMRA’s accreditation scheme to support and promote pubs that serve at least one local ale. The scheme was started in 2007 by CAMRA’s Nottingham branch and is now a national campaign that includes thousands of pubs from across the UK. Pubs should serve at least one local ale to be accredited, but the definition of ‘local’ is at the discretion of each branch.
Stocking locally produced real ale in local pubs is good for everyone, just some of the advantages include: pubs can attract more visitors through their doors, including tourists seeking out distinctive local products. consumers can enjoy greater beer choice and diversity. brewers are supported with increased sales, creating more local jobs. More money is generated and spent locally, increasing the resilience of the local economy.
More details can be found about WhatPub here or on their website:
National CAMRA
What’s Brewing
What’s Brewing is the digital monthly news site for CAMRA. You can find out the latest information on issues affecting the industry, campaigns and news. Getting involved in saving pubs and current campaigns, beer festivals and brewery awards.
Members from across the country can join our online form known as ‘Discourse’ to discuss all things CAMRA within an internal audience. From beer festival volunteering to questions about our AGM business, to general conversations about great pubs and beer, Discourse is where our members can come together to hash it out. Why not sign up today to join the conversation?
Beer Festivals (Including Nationwide events)
For local events please see our Events & Festivals page (Coming Soon).
About the Campaign for Real Ale
CAMRA is considered one of the most successful consumer organisations across Europe. Founded by four real ale enthusiasts back in 1971, today we represent beer drinkers and pub-goers across the UK.
Our vision is to have quality real ale, cider and perry and thriving pubs in every community. Our mission is to promote and advocate:
The production, availability and consumption of quality real ale, cider and perry.
Pubs and clubs as social centres and part of the UK’s cultural heritage.
The benefits of responsible social drinking.
We do this by supporting and encouraging the beer and pubs trade by running beer festivals, lobbying Government for change, running numerous awards and developing bespoke pub finders and guides.
There’s plenty for everyone, whether you’re a dedicated campaigner, a beer connoisseur looking to learn more about beer or just want to meet up with friends in your local. Why not join the beer movement?
What is Real Ale?
In the early 1970s, CAMRA coined the term ‘real ale’ to describe traditional draught cask beers, distinguishing them from the processed and highly carbonated beers that were promoted by big brewers at that time.
Real ale is a ‘living’ product, which is typically produced and stored in a cask container. In comparison to other types of beer that kill off the yeast and artificially inject the beer with CO2 prior to serving, real ale contains live yeast which continues to condition and ferments the beer until it is served.
Like any artisan product, real ale requires special handling and storing to ensure the quality of taste. Well-kept real ale served at the right temperature should be lively, naturally carbonated and flavourful – representing the pinnacle of brewing art.
To recognise real ale, consumers should opt for beer served from the traditional hand-pull or direct from the cask rather than from a keg line. You can also enjoy real ale served in bottles and cans, as long as they are ‘bottle conditioned’.
Visit our online database WhatPub to find a pub serving real ale near you!
For more information on European Beer Styles visit the European Beer Consumers’ Union website.
What is Real Cider and Perry?
The world of cider has evolved so much in the 40 years since CAMRA began to campaign for real cider and perry that it is virtually unrecognisable. The Campaign has therefore sought to clarify a definition of ‘real cider and perry’ that is easy to follow and makes sense across all dispense methods.
CAMRA defines real Cider or Perry as being fermented from the whole juice of fresh pressed apples or pears, without the use of concentrated or chaptalised juices.
The word ‘chaptalised’ as used in the definition refers to a process, similar in principle to high gravity brewing, where the alcohol level in a cider or perry is increased by the addition of sugar to an unnatural level for storage, before it is diluted with water to the desired alcohol content for sale.
View CAMRA’s list of real cider and perry makers
View CAMRA’s list of fruit and flavoured ciders
Our mission is:
- To secure the long term future of real ale, real cider and real perry by increasing their quality, availability and popularity.
- To promote and protect pubs and clubs as social centres and part of the UK’s cultural heritage.
- To increase recognition of the benefits of responsible, moderate social drinking.
- To play a leading role in the provision of information, education and training to all those with an interest in beer, cider and perry of any type.
- To ensure where possible that producers and retailers of beer, cider and perry act in the best interests of the consumer.
We do this by encouraging beer and cider drinking and pub and club-going with our beer festivals, pub saving campaigns and awards, and by lobbying Government for change to better support the industry and the trade.