Advertise in InnSpire

InnSpire Magazine is the official magazine of Chesterfield CAMRA. The magazine is distributed, by volunteers, to at least 85 pubs and clubs. With two thousand printed copies and a digital version of the magazine available to view on the Chesterfield CAMRA website, this means thousands of beer and real ale loving customers will see your advert.

There really is no better way to promote your business to a highly focused and targeted audience. We can even help design your advert too.

If you own or work for a pub, club or brewery we’d love to talk to you about having an advert in the magazine. The magazine was relaunched in April 2023 with a new contemporary design and lots of fantastic articles, news and features. Check out the latest issue and back issues here.

Specs and prices:
Magazine format/size: A5 portrait (W: 148mm x H: 210mm)

Full page advert price: £100.00
Half page advert price: £50.00

Helpful notes and stats:
We can help design your advert if you do not have the facilities to do so.

Distributed by volunteers to at least 85 pubs and club.

Two thousand printed copies.

If you would like to advertise in InnSpire please contact:
InnSpire Magazine Editor: Chris Fox