Branch Update March 2024


Chesterfield and District CAMRA – Update Issue Twenty One – March 2024.

Welcome to New Members, Returning Members, Life Members and Non Members. As part of keeping members informed this Monthly Update is part of our communication approach. You may have noticed the Branch is moving forward at pace. More opportunities to participate by nominating/voting, volunteering or getting out and about. PLEASE become an active member of your CAMRA Branch. This communication was originally emailed out to members who are signed up to our mailing service.

Branch Meetings (usually on 1st Thursday of the month – Please see Branch Diary)

Date: 7th March 2024.
Venue: Chesterfield Arms (Newbold Road, Chesterfield S41 7PH).
Time: 7.30pm.
Please organise car sharing and make every effort to attend.
Agenda includes: Talk by Josh Clarke, Resting Devil Brewery
A Meet & Greet for new members has been introduced at all future meetings.This will be at 7 pm prior to meeting starting.

Date: April 4th 2024.
Venue: Hasland Club (Chesterfield S41 0LH).
Time: 7.30pm.

AGM (Annual General Meeting)
Date: May 2nd 2024
Venue: The Rose and Crown Brampton (104 Old Road, Chesterfield
S40 2QT)
Time: 7.30pm.
Please start thinking about whether you wish to take a role. The more roles we fill the more we will achieve!

The Committee are also interested in your ideas for discussion topics for future Branch Meetings. Please make suggestions by email to

Social Media/Information/Contact Options
NEW Website:
Facebook Group: Chesterfield CAMRA – The Campaign For Real Ale.
Facebook Page: Chesterfield CAMRA
Please join FaceBook just to keep up to date.
Twitter: @ChezCAMRA

Socials (Occasionally, usually on a Saturday).
After the success of the trip to Titanic Brewery.  We plan to have a social trip to a brewery this year. Contact for details.

Walks (Monthly on a Saturday).
Organised by Geoff Deighton. Saturday – circular walk from – further details via Facebook Group: Chesterfield CAMRA – The Campaign For Real Ale.

Pub of the Year/Season (Pub, Cider Pub, District)
Pub of Season – Winter Winner:
Chesterfield Arms (Newbold Road, Chesterfield S41 7PH).

District Pub of the Year (new category):  To be announced soon.

Pub of the Year 2024: The Rose and Crown Brampton (104 Old Road, Chesterfield
S40 2QT)

Details of Club of the Year process as follows:
Please send your vote for Club of the Year to

Qualification criteria:

Any Club qualifies for the award with the following simple criteria:

1) The Club operates under a Club premises License

2) Is run by a committee for the benefit of its members

3) Serves CAMRA Members with or without Club membership

4) Is in the Chesterfield and District area (Beer Scoring)
WhatPub is CAMRA’s app. It is based on every pub in a Branch area. The app is kept up to date by MEMBERS. We are currently doing an annual update of most pubs in our area. If you would like to help Please contact John Wilcock – Whatpub Co-ordinator:

Please use to score beers. Scoring beers is the basis of deciding which pubs are selected for Good Beer Guide. The more scores a pub has the more likely it is to be in Good Beer Guide. We will be teaching ‘how to score’ at Branch meetings.

InnSpire Magazine (Quarterly)
Thanks to Chris Fox for a sterling effort to relaunch Innspire. Thanks to all our distributors and advertisers. Summer issue is out now. If you wish to contribute to future issues – help with adverts or supply an article/interview. Please get in touch: Feedback is always welcome too.

IF YOU KNOW ANY BUSINESS WHICH MIGHT LIKE TO ADVERTISE PLEASE ENCOURAGE THEM OR CONTACT Chris Fox WHO WILL CONTACT THEM ON OUR BEHALF. InnSpire relies on funding from adverts to print and publish. Please get in touch: 

Contact any committee member to indicate your wish to volunteer.
Website lists Committee members in Contacts section.

Future Events

Beer Festival Helpers Trip: Saturday 16th March – Burton Ale Trail. Please email Branch Contact, Jane Lefley at

National CAMRA AGM (part of National Members weekend): Saturday 27th April -Dundee – Please visit the website for more details. 

Rail Ale (not a CAMRA event): Thursday 16th May – Saturday 18th May 2024 – Barrow Hill Roundhouse: See social media or visit their website.  

County Meeting
CAMRA is divided into Regions. But as part of a review of structure Regions will be trialling County Meetings. The First Derbyshire County Meeting will be in 23rd March 2024 at Railway Inn, Derby 12 midday start. Pub Crawl afterwards. Please email our Chair, Steve Monaghan at

North Derbyshire POTY
The judging for North Derbys POTY will take place in early May, possibly before.
If you are interested in visiting pubs in Dronfield, Amber Valley, Derbyshire Dales, Matlock, Chesterfield and High Peak please contact our Chair, Steve Monaghan at

Thank you – Chesterfield CAMRA Chair, Steve Monaghan.