InnSpire 149
The latest edition of InnSpire is now out. Two thousand printed copies are printed and magazine is distributed, by volunteers, to at least 85 pubs and clubs. We hope you enjoy reading it, as much as we enjoyed putting the magazine together. Highlights include Barrow Hill Rail Ale Festival, a Brampton Brewery Interview, the Winding Wheel Beer Festival Helpers Trip, Chesterfield Steampunks and a great interview with artist Lewy Lewy. And, this is naming just a few of the great articles and news feature in the Summer edition of InnSpire.
The last issue can be read online here:
InnSpire Issue 149 – June 2023
Saturday 1st June 2023
An Apology
“In the InnSpire Issue 149 we published an article called “The Haunted Pubs of Chesterfield”. The article contained a reference to Trevor and the former public house The Welbeck (Now the Hidden Knight) We would like acknowledge the article presented an inaccurate report of the passing of Trevor and was very insensitive in its content. Chesterfield CAMRA, the Editor and the Author would like to deeply apologise to the family of the deceased and have implemented new procedures to ensure this will not happen again. The reference has since been removed from the online magazine and this apology will appear in Issue 150”