Branch News May 2024


Chesterfield and District CAMRA – Update Issue Twenty Two – May 2024.

Welcome to New Members, Returning Members, Life Members and Non Members. As part of keeping members informed this Monthly Update is part of our communication approach. You may have noticed the Branch is moving forward at pace. More opportunities to participate by nominating/voting, volunteering or getting out and about. PLEASE become an active member of your CAMRA Branch. This communication was originally emailed out to members who are signed up to our mailing service.

This took place on Thursday 2nd May at the Rose & Crown Brampton and a new committee was elected. Branch audited accounts were postponed to July Branch meeting.

Our three aims are:

  • Implement a volunteer reward scheme (See below).
  • Use Whatpub to target members.
  • Young Members recruitment.

Branch Meetings (Usually on 1st Thursday of the month – Please see Branch Diary)

Next Branch Meeting – Date: 7th June 2024.
Venue: Joiners Arms, Bakewell (1-2 Rutland Buildings, Bakewell DE45 1BZ).
Time: 7.30pm.
Please organise car sharing or go by bus. Please make every effort to attend.
Agenda includes: Talk “Micropubs, what are they?”. 
A Meet & Greet for new members has been introduced at all future meetings. This will be at 7pm prior to meeting starting. The Committee are also interested in your ideas for discussion topics for future Branch Meetings. Please make suggestions by email to

Upcoming Branch Meeting – Date: 4th July 2024.
Venue: Arkwright Arms (Chesterfield Rd, Duckmanton, Chesterfield S44 5JG).
Time: 7.30pm.

Social Media/Information/Contact Options
NEW Website:
Facebook Group: Chesterfield CAMRA – The Campaign For Real Ale.
Facebook Page: Chesterfield CAMRA
Please join FaceBook just to keep up to date.
Twitter: @ChezCAMRA

After the success of the trip to Titanic Brewery, we plan to have a social trip to a brewery this year. Contact for details or join our Facebook Group: Chesterfield CAMRA – The Campaign For Real Ale.

Walks (Monthly on a Saturday).
Organised by Geoff Deighton. Saturday – circular walk from – further details via Facebook Group: Chesterfield CAMRA – The Campaign For Real Ale.

Pub of the Year (Pub, Cider Pub, District)
Presentation for District Pub of the Year was on Wednesday 8th May 2024 6.30 pm at the Thornbridge Tap. Congratulations to the team who are pictured in front of the not so secret Burton Union which has been rescued from being scrapped and will be in full operation soon (See photo below and main page photo above). 

Chesterfield CAMRA presents a number of awards over the year. There are awards for each season and the Winter Pub of the Season is covered later in the magazine, along with the Club of the Year and Cider Pub of the Year.

As well as the prestigious Pub of the Year 2024 which was covered here (This year the title went to the Rose and Crown Brampton, 104 Old Road, Chesterfield S40 2QT), the branch also selects a District Pub of the Year.

The Chesterfield CAMRA branch area covers quite a distance. Pubs from as far afield
as Bolsover, Bakewell, Clay Cross, North East Derbyshire and some of the parishes in the  Derbyshire Dales are including in our area. The District Pub of the Year is awarded to a pub that is outside of Chesterfield’s Town Centre and highlights the many brilliant pubs in our surrounding villages/towns.

CAMRA awards the Pub of the Year certificate to a pub which not only serves top-quality real ale but has other notable qualities. This may be community spirit, good food, excellent ambiance, protected building or improvements to the pub. Quality of beer is obviously the most important single factor in nominating a pub, but others factors are taken into consideration: Atmosphere, service and welcome, clientele, sympathy with CAMRA aims and value for money all come in to the equation.

It therefore an honour to announce the 2024 District Pub of the Year is the Thornbridge Brewery Tap Room (Riverside Brewery, Buxton Rd, Bakewell DE45 1GS). As the name says this is the on-site tap room for the award winning local Thornbridge Brewery. SIBA Brewery Business of the Year 2024 and considered one of the pioneers of the UK’s craft beer movement. The tap room features a spacious shop and a comfortable seating area. It’s located just a 15-minute stroll from Bakewell’s beautiful town centre on the Riverside Industrial Estate and well worth a visit. Excellent freshly handmade pizzas are served daily. The bar showcases a selection of four cask and sixteen keg lines, with all beers available in thirds, halves and pints (Plus the added bonus option of beer flights with three selections, if you’d like to sample a range of ales). Regular music and social events are held monthly (check out their website for details). Pre-booked brewery tours are also available to explore the brewing process.

Club of the Year
Hasland Club were presented with their certificate on Thursday 25th April, 2024. Read more about it here. 

Nominations for Spring Pub of the Season are now open. Send nominations to: (Beer Scoring)
WhatPub is CAMRA’s app. It is based on every pub in a Branch area. The app is kept up to date by MEMBERS. We are currently doing an annual update of most pubs in our area. If you would like to help Please contact John Wilcock – Whatpub Co-ordinator:

Please use to score beers. Scoring beers is the basis of deciding which pubs are selected for Good Beer Guide. The more scores a pub has the more likely it is to be in Good Beer Guide. We will be teaching ‘how to score’ at Branch meetings.

InnSpire Magazine (Quarterly)
Thanks to Chris Fox for a sterling effort to relaunch Innspire. Thanks to all our distributors and advertisers. Summer issue is online now. Printed copies will be available at Rail Ale and distributed to pubs/clubs/breweries from the end of May 2024. If you wish to contribute to future issues – help with adverts or supply an article/interview. Please get in touch: Feedback is always welcome too.

IF YOU KNOW ANY BUSINESS WHICH MIGHT LIKE TO ADVERTISE PLEASE ENCOURAGE THEM OR CONTACT Chris Fox WHO WILL CONTACT THEM ON OUR BEHALF. InnSpire relies on funding from adverts to print and publish. Please get in touch: 

Contact any committee member to indicate your wish to volunteer.
Website lists Committee members in Contacts section

Future Events.
The following events will take place. Please come along to at least one.

National Volunteers Week 2024

Sunday 2nd June: Lunch time social at Albert Inn, Woodthorpe hosted by Chair.

Monday 3rd June: Tasting Panel in partnership with Real Ale Corner hosted by Chair.

Tuesday 5th June: Sing a long at New Inn hosted by Geoff and Kath Deighton (long standing members).

Wednesday 6th June: Young Members Social The Rutland hosted by our New Young Members Rep Rachel Green.

Thursday 7th June: Branch meeting (see details above).

Friday 8th June: Pub Run finishing at Tupton Tap (in partnership with Cannon Events).

More details of these events will appear on Facebook Group: Chesterfield CAMRA – The Campaign For Real Ale and this website.

The AGM agreed to implement a VOLUNTEERS REWARD SCHEME.
Details to be agreed at next committee meeting.
If you have any suggestions for…

  1. Things to be included as a volunteer eg. delivering InnSpire magazine.
  2. What could be the reward eg. A badge.

Please contact

Rail Ale (not CAMRA event)
Date: Thursday 16th May – Saturday 18th May 2024.
Location: Barrow Hill Roundhouse.
(See their Social Media and/or posters for more details).

North Derbyshire POTY
Branch members are judging North Derbys POTY up to Sunday May 12th.

East Midlands POTY
Judging for this will take place after Monday May 13th. If you are interested please contact:

Thank you – Chesterfield CAMRA Chair, Steve Monaghan.